Stack: Laravel, Bootstrap, Chart JS, jQuery
This Dashboard displays data visualizations such as bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, histograms, etc, of the main activities of TELMEX Libraries. Some of the data that the dashboard displays is how many visitors the libraries had, the visitorĀ“s demography, their gender, etc. The dashboard was built with Bootstrap and jQuery for the frontend. All the data visualizations that are filled with dynamic data that is requested via AJAX. The dashboard also has the funcionality of making comparations of two or more libraries.
Stack: Laravel, React JS, Redux, Material Design Lite
Preguntame is a website that was develped primarily to serve as a guide for the sellers of TELMEX. Telmex offers a wide variety of services, such as Internet, satelite cable, etc and you can find all this services ans their main information in this site.
One of the functionalities of this site is that you can upload documents(PDF, .word, .xls) so that other users can consult these documents. You can also delete and edit this documents.
Other major funtionality is that you can create templates for the services that TELMEX offers. In this templates you can upload files, images, videos, etc. You can also edit, and delete this templates.
Stack: Laravel, Material Design, Jquery
ConexionTI is a website for consulting information about TELMEX services. This site is used as a guide for TELMEX executives where they can find the main information about TELMEX.
Stack: Node JS, React JS, Leaflet, MongoDB
The guest map is a side project built with Node JS, React js, Leaflet and mongoDB. The objective of this site was to create a fun way to say hello to a friend no matter where you are. The map was built with the JS library Leaflet. The main idea is that first you fill a form and with help of the browser geolocation API you get the user's coords. After that a pin will display in map with the message that you have just write.
Stack: React JS
Simple weather application to know the weather all around the world. This app was built with react JS and the openweather API.
Stack: React JS
A simple application that you can use to look for events near you. You can browse for concerts, sports, places to go, etc. This app was built with react JS, and the eventbrite API.
Stack: WordPress
My contribution was mainly to fix CSS problems with responsive design. I as also in charge of the maintenance of this website.
Stack: Bootstrap, JavaScript
This project show all the violations that mexican congressman had made. It was developed with bootsrap and Javascript.
Stack: WordPress
My contribution with this agency is to develope wordpress themes mainly for Attorneys firms. I also contribute by making mirror themes that are accessible based on the WCAG standard.
Stack: React JS, React Router
Simple Pokedex application made with React JS. The Pokedex displays information of the first 251 Pokemons.
Stack: Vanilla JS, canvas-to-image.js
Application where you can draw based on the children you etch a sketch.